Episode 4: Boundaries

“ Why is it that we don’t feel guilty when we deprive ourselves of the time we need to grow?” -Zakiya

We have all heard that infamous saying, “What you allow will continue.” I’m not sure about you but that reigns true in my life. As I began to purposefully, reflect on areas in my life that I felt were out of control. I deemed it necessary to start drawing the line and placing boundaries on what I allowed, what I invited, and what I tolerated in my daily life.

When you think of the word “boundary”, what comes to mind? For me, the image of line comes to mind. That line represents a clear division or a space that I use to protect ME. YES, for me boundaries mean protection. Protecting me is a major priority in my life. I believe if I am not protecting my space and my energy and I am not taking care of ME.

Setting boundaries should be your top priority when you are taking a close look at your self-care practices. When you are clear on what you will ALLOW, what you will INVITE, and what you will TOLERATE in your life you can truly begin to focus on self-growth and maintaining a healthy balance within your everyday life.

Here are a few points from tonight’s Konvo with Kiya:

  1. Your BOUNDARIES must be made clear, spoken and backed up with ACTION!

  2. Setting boundaries are essential in order to maintain your mental health.

  3. As a mom, you must carve out specific time for YOU to take care of YOU!

  4. It is OK to choose YOU!

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