Episode 3: Shame

“Am I too strong? Am I too independent?” -Zakiya

“I had to check myself.”- Zakiya

“ Trust that everything will align with God’s plan for our lives.”- Zakiya

Shame is a taboo topic that many people prefer not to speak about. But, let’s be honest, how many times have you openly admitted that you were ashamed while going through an experience? Or you’ve felt ashamed while having to explain why a particular situation didn’t work out. 

Shame doesn’t have a particular area of life that it prefers. Shame can be felt through a number of life experiences. Maybe, you felt ashamed when a business venture did not go the way you hoped it would. Maybe you grew up in a family where you were constantly compared to your brothers and sisters. A teenage mom who never completed college or in my case explaining to people how I ended up pregnant and single. 

No matter the debilitating circumstance we can all identify shame and the feeling it leaves in the pit of our stomach.  

Here are a few points from tonight’s Konvo with Kiya:

  1. When you pray and receive your blessings from God, you should never be ashamed to share his goodness with others.

  2. It’s important to be intentional when sharing your personal space with others.

  3. Whatever is for you will FIND YOU!

  4. We can continue to walk in our purpose and never downplay accomplishments to appease others.

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